Guidance in Choosing a Spouse

Most of the mistakes in marriage are made at choice making stage. Many people don’t know exactly what to look out for in a would-be-spouse. They don’t know what to expect in a mate. Some of the things that matter to people at the time of choosing a spouse eventually matter so little in the course of married life. We don’t often know what we really need or what we should really need in marriage partner. Unfortunately and very ridiculously, we have also bought into the trend that one should not be guided in making the choice. Simply because, your choice of who to marry is up to you does not mean you should not seek to be adequately guided in enterprise. No matter our level of education, we often need to be guided in feeling forms or when visiting an unknown destination or even to locate the rest room when we visit a place for the first time. However, when it comes to choosing whom to marry, we don’t want anyone’s input. We talk of depending solely on the Holy Spirit in choosing a spouse as if He is opposed to getting godly counsel from people.

The risk in being guided in choice making is to put the responsibility for the choice making on the person guiding or counselling you. The responsibility remains yours to accept or reject any body’s advice. But to refuse to go for and take such advice may be the reason for heartaches later in the marriage. Another challenge is the scarcity of men and women who have adequate character and competence to give such a guide. It must be acknowledged that some people have been given unwise counsels that put them into trouble in marriage. That notwithstanding, we must diligent seek godly and wise mentors who will provide us wisdom and knowledge in our journey of marriage especially when choosing our partners. It will be stupid to conclude that doctors are no use just because you fell into the hands of the wrong ones or to now decide to trek from Aba to Lagos because of the prevalence of road accidents. With a little more commitment, diligence and determination, you can always find credible individuals and materials that provide us invaluable guidance on our way to marital bliss. Enjoy the ride. ‪#‎LoveClinic5pm‬ ‪#‎Worldchangers‬

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